Common medical instruments across different fields of medicine

There are numerous medical instruments used in various medical specialties for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients. Here are some of the most common medical instruments across different fields of medicine:

  1. Stethoscope: Used by doctors to listen to internal sounds of the body, such as heartbeats and lung sounds.
  2. Sphygmomanometer (Blood Pressure Cuff): Used to measure a patient's blood pressure.
  3. Thermometer: Used to measure body temperature.
  4. Ophthalmoscope: Used by eye doctors to examine the interior of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve.
  5. Otoscope: Used by ear, nose, and throat doctors to examine the ears and the ear canal.
  6. Scalpel: A small surgical knife used for making incisions.
  7. Forceps: Tweezer-like instruments used for grasping and holding tissues during surgery.
  8. Needle: Used for injections, blood drawing, and suturing.
  9. Surgical Scissors: Used for cutting tissues during surgeries.
  10. Surgical Drill: Used in orthopedic surgeries to create holes in bones for screws or other implants.
  11. Speculum: Used to dilate an opening in the body, such as the vaginal or rectal opening, to allow for examination.
  12. Laryngoscope: Used to visualize the vocal cords and airway during intubation.
  13. Ultrasound Machine: Uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal organs and tissues.
  14. X-ray Machine: Produces images of bones and internal structures using radiation.
  15. MRI Machine: Uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body's internal structures.
  16. CT Scanner: Provides cross-sectional images of the body using X-rays and a computer.
  17. Endoscope: A flexible tube with a light and camera used to visualize the inside of organs and cavities, such as the digestive tract.
  18. Laparoscope: A type of endoscope used in minimally invasive surgeries.
  19. Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) Machine: Records the electrical activity of the heart.
  20. Pulse Oximeter: Measures the oxygen saturation level in the blood.
  21. Defibrillator: Used to deliver an electric shock to the heart to restore normal rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest.
  22. Ventilator: Provides mechanical ventilation to assist patients with breathing.
  23. Syringe: Used for administering medications or fluids through injections.
  24. Infusion Pump: Delivers fluids, medications, or nutrients to patients in controlled amounts.
  25. Hemostats: Clamping instruments used to control bleeding during surgery.

image source Elsevier


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